Incorporated in 1992, HBEF is a fund-raising organization for Hermosa Beach public schools. Operated entirely by volunteers, our focus is to meet the school district’s educational needs by funding instructional programs in science, technology, foreign language, music and other subjects. HBEF enhances our schools by funding programs not paid for by the state.
Annual Giving is a yearly campaign seeking financial gifts from family, friends and community members. Each school year begins July 1 and ends June 30. Funds raised can be directed to teacher salaries, technology, enriched classroom experiences, extracurricular activities, or the areas of greatest need. Unrestricted funds are greatly encouraged because they allow the school flexibility in addressing unforeseen financial needs.
A gift to HBEF Annual Giving Campaign has the power to help us continue to provide a dynamic education and to sustain our competitive edge as an academic leader. Every child enrolled in the Hermosa Beach City School District benefits from the enhanced programming that is the product of our fundraising. Monies raised through this year’s Annual Giving Campaign go directly into next fiscal year’s budget and will support the vital education programs.
The monies raised from these events are added to the much needed funds we give to the District each year. While eighty percent of the money raised by HBEF Fundraisers go directly to the District, the remaining twenty percent is deposited into our endowment fund.
The monies raised by HVPTO support our teachers and students by purchasing curriculum enhancing supplies and school related equipment at each campus, such as library books, recess and PE equipment, musical instruments and other facility enhancements while HBEF’s funds go towards allowing these programs to be offered to our students. You can learn more about HVPTO at
While the cost of living is high in Hermosa Beach, Sacramento doesn’t send our schools as much money as other cities in California. We are the 3rd lowest funded district in the state. We all agree that we want our children to have a top notch educational experience. Therefore, we need our school families and community to support the HBEF Annual Giving Campaign to keep our programs here in Hermosa Beach current and competitive.
The money from the measure S Bond is strictly slated for building costs. These funds cannot be used for programming or administrative costs. It wouldn’t make sense to have brand new buildings with no programs inside. HBEF Annual Giving gifts fund these educational programs.
No matter how much you decide to give to the HBEF Annual Giving Campaign, know that it is your participation that matters. Each family is different, and should examine their individual circumstances and their goals for our school community. The Annual Giving Campaign helps bridge the gap between what the state provides the district and the actual cost to educate a student in Hermosa Beach Schools. The gap is $6000 per student. We would like to encourage each family to consider a gift of $1000 per child. This is an investment directly in your child’s education.
Our Hermosa Beach Schools are an essential part of the city we live in. School-wide participation reflects pride in our community and is a testament to our strong commitment to prioritize education, our children and our future. Achieving 100% participation builds community, identifies solidarity, and often inspires significant additional gifts. All Annual Giving Campaign gifts, large or small, make a collective impact which benefits each and every student.
- Visit to make a secure credit card donation.
- Send a check made out to “Hermosa Beach Education Foundation” to:
HBEF Annual Giving
PO Box 864
Hermosa Beach, CA
90254 - Check with your employer to determine whether they are a Matching Gift participant, or email, to find out if your company offerings a Matching Gift.
- Provide a gift of Stock or Securities, email
Please email