
100% Volunteers | 100% Parents

Funding matters.
Your donation, their future.

It Takes a Village of 100%

The Power of Participation

This year, our goal is simple yet ambitious: 100% participation from every parent and raising the temperature on giving to $200K in spring. Because when we come together, there’s no limit to what we can achieve. Every contribution, no matter the size — one degree at a time, makes an impact on the educational experience we provide. Help us reach our goal!

Join the Movement

Contribute today and be a part of the movement that’s shaping the leaders of tomorrow. Together, we can create an educational environment that inspires, empowers, and propels our children towards greatness. Ignite the change, today!


Some of the programs your donations will support and expand include:

Student Enrichment

  • STEM initiatives
  • Visual and Performing Arts
  • Language Learning (Spanish)
  • Honors Courses
  • Counseling and mental health resources

Facility Improvements

  • Library enhancements
  • Playground and athletic field maintenance
  • Technology upgrades in classrooms

Help Us Reach Our Goal

Not sure if your family has made your donation for the 2023-24 school year? Check here!

Special Thanks to Our Community Partners


This year, our goal is simple yet ambitious: 100% participation from every parent and raising the temperature on giving to $200K in spring. Because when we come together, there’s no limit to what we can achieve. Every contribution, no matter the size — one degree at a time, makes an impact on the educational experience we provide. Help us reach our goal!

The Hermosa Beach Education Foundation (HBEF) is a 100% nonprofit volunteer-led fund-raising organization whose focus is to meet the Hermosa Beach city school district’s educational needs by bridging the gap between government funding and providing a high quality education to our students.


Mobilize the entire community in charitable giving to provide our children with smaller class sizes and a comprehensive education encompassing music, arts, languages, STEM, and social-emotional well-being.


Do you have an idea or issue to report which will help us improve the quality of education in Hermosa Beach?
We would love to hear from you!

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